Equine Studies (A.S. & Cert)
Equine Studies Degree
Feather River College Equine Studies was approved as a two-year Associate Degree program by the California Community College Chancellor's office in 1987. This unique program offers college-level coursework to students who wish to become professionals in horse-related enterprises.
Career Opportunities and Assistance
Students gain the skills needed for jobs such as horse trainers, stable/pack station managers, wranglers for guest ranches and resorts, packers/guides/outfitters for hunting and fishing expeditions, mining and construction companies, and a variety of public agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service.
Other horse related job opportunities include:
- Farm/ranch manager
- Trainer
- Stable manager/foreman
- Riding instructor/coach
- Veterinarian’s assistant
- Stallion manager
- Broodmare manager
- Foaling crewman
- Wrangler for pack operations
- Stunt rider or double in movies
- Horse-drawn or mounted-tour guide
- Horse-show receptionist
- Rodeo laborer
- Packers/guides/outfitters for hunting and fishing expeditions
- Stable superintendent
- Mounted patrol
- Race track manager
- Fair or exposition manager
Courses combine balanced practical and scientific approaches to horsemanship and emphasize the business principles and skills necessary to successfully operate any horse enterprise. Among the topics specifically covered are:
- Western riding techniques
- Selection and care of equipment and tack
- Grooming and general care
- Horse behavior and psychology
- Equine anatomy and physiology
- Equine diseases and nutrition
- Breed characteristics and horse selection
- Breeding and reproduction
- Training philosophies and techniques
- Skills in guiding pack trips and horseback rides
- History and status of the equine industry

FRC Equine Studies
equinestudies@frc.edu • 530-283-0202 ext. 272
570 Golden Eagle Avenue • Quincy, CA 95971
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