Course Descriptions
Upper Division Core Requirements (24 units)
AGPS 300 - Rangeland, Pasture and Forage Management (3 units)
Characteristics, history and multiple uses of pasture and rangeland. Principles of plant physiology and ecology in relation to forage conditions, trends, utilization and improvement practices. Principles of proper grazing practices and nutrition of livestock.
AGAS 313 - Equine and Bovine Health and the Prevention and Control of Disease (3 units)
Important diseases of livestock. Immunity, disease mechanisms, infectious agents, diagnostic procedures, and post-mortem techniques as well as a survey of selected but generally well-recognized diseases of livestock.
AGAB 335 - Equine and Ranch Management Entrepreneurship (3 units)
Tools to be a successful agricultural entrepreneur. Equips students with foundational knowledge and explore the strengths and weaknesses entrepreneurial plans. Topics include defining and refining the idea, developing the opportunity, and planning and delivering the business venture. The importance of the business plan as preparation for launching a business venture, managing the business and obtaining investor dollars.
AGMA 404 - Livestock Facilities Maintenance and Management (3 units)
The interaction between the physical design and business management of equine and cattle enterprises. Principles of equine and cattle facility design and maintenance with particular emphasis on the application of skills related to managing an equine and/or cattle facility.
AGAB 418 - Equine and Ranch Management Internship (6 units)
Student will spend time with an approved agricultural firm engaged in production or related business. Time will be spent applying and developing production and managerial skills and abilities.
AGAB 465 - Equine and Ranch Enterprises (3 units)
A capstone course evaluating agribusiness organization and management. A variety of Equine, Agriculture, and Ranch management businesses will be evaluated and examined either through case studies and/or facility tours. Discussion topics will include evaluation of business plans, location, costs, natural resource management, environmental regulations, and human resource management. Budgeting, out-put relationships, and enterprise analysis in decision making.
Choose from one of the following Production and Management Courses:
AGAS 421 - Equine Production and Management (3 units)
Knowledge and skills for the application of current management practices in the area of horse production and management. Emphasis on nutrition, disease, preventative health care, reproductive management, anatomy and physiology and facility development and maintenance. (Also counts as a Career Elective)
AGAS 423 - Beef Cattle Production and Management (3 units)
Knowledge and skills for the application of current management practices in the area of beef cattle production and management. Emphasis on reproduction, breeding, nutrition, health care and facility development and maintenance. (Also counts as a Career Elective)
Upper Division Core Requirements Total - 24 units
Upper Division General Education (9 units)
Writing & Communication Requirement
ENGL 310 - Applied Professional and Technical Communication and Composition (3 units)
Provides experience and feedback on writing effective and concise professional and technical communications such as memos, emails, letters, reports, technical papers, proposals, reports, social media, pamphlets, and other communications medias such as working in teams, preparing and giving presentations essential in the professional field. The purpose of this course is to improve the writing and presentation ability of students in their professional communication with others.
ENGL 416 - Research Methods in Equine and Ranch Management Current Topics and Issues (3 units)
Research in current equine and ranch management topics through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches, and emphasizes industry related topics including animal welfare and ethical training methods.
Social and Behavior Science Requirement
ENVR 480 - Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (3 units)
The values, attitudes, and behaviors of humans related to natural resources. Students will explore their own beliefs, biases, and prejudices through the use of case studies in controversial topics such as grazing on public lands, the expansion of wolves into new habitat, listing of endangered species such as sage grouse, and recreation conflicts.
HIST 400 - The American West (3 units)
Study of the history of the American West from Europe contact to the present. Topics will include the role of the US government and the effects of American expansionism with particular focus on the environment, economic development, and conflicts over resources and land as well as the historiography of the West.
Upper Division General Education Total - 9 units
Career Electives
A minimum of 9 units must be upper division from the list below
AGAS 302 - Advanced Techniques in Equine Training Fall (2 units)
Mastering advanced principles and applications of training young horses under saddle. Course includes groundwork, philosophy of colt starting, problem solving, equine behavior modification. Training young horses in beginning maneuvers under saddle with special emphasis on continuing the fall training of two year olds started in the spring.
AGAS 303 - Advanced Techniques in Equine Training Spring (2 units)
Mastering advanced principles and applications of training young horses under saddle. Course includes groundwork, philosophy of colt starting, problem solving, equine behavior modification. Training young horses in beginning maneuvers under saddle with special emphasis on starting the two-year old horse in the spring.
AGAS 307 - Advanced Techniques in Equine Sale Preparation I (2 units)
Fitting and showing horses. Students gain experience training, conditioning, grooming, showing and /or selling horses. Training young horses in advanced maneuvers under saddle including cow work, rope work, trail, versatility, and reining patterns. Techniques and applications of fitting a horse in preparation for horse sale or show.
AGAS 308 - Advanced Techniques in Equine Sale Preparation II (2 units)
Culminating further experience in training, conditioning, grooming, showing and/or selling horses. Training young horses in advanced maneuvers under saddle including cow work, rope work, trail, versatility, and reining patterns. Techniques and applications of fitting a horse in preparation for horse sale or show.
AGAS 350 - Reproduction, Breeding Systems, and Genetics of Livestock (3 units)
A study of the mechanisms of livestock reproduction, genetics, and animal breeding systems with an emphasis on beef cattle and horses. Physiological mechanisms of livestock reproduction including gonad function, endocrine relationships, fertility, and factors affecting reproduction efficiency; genetics including study of the genetic basis of selection, kinds of gene action, principles of physical and chemical basis of heredity, mutations, sex-linkage, chromosome mapping, multiple alleles and chromosomal abnormalities. Breeding systems including the application of genetic principles to livestock improvement and development of breeding programs based on principles of population genetics.
AGAS 360 - Technical Veterinary Skills (3 units)
Restraint and handling of animals, physical examination, necropsy procedure, basic wound management, applied pharmacology. Reproduction and herd health programs.
AGAB 364 - Promotion and Marketing in the Equine and Beef Cattle Industry (3 units)
Marketing strategies, planning, budgeting, research, product development, pricing, branding, communications and promotions, with applications specific to the equine and beef cattle industry. Students will become acquainted with multimedia marketing techniques and event planning in the agriculture industry.
AGPS 370 - Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition (4 units)
A fundamental understanding of plant nutrition, soil fertility, and nutrient management. An emphasis on quantitative and chemical factors that control and measure soil and plant nutrient content, as well as background on the essential plant nutrients. Provides an understanding of the environmental implications of fertility management and operations.
AGAB 410 - Equine and Ranch Management Leadership Seminar (3 units)
The study of leadership traits. Knowledge, skills and attitudes that enhance personal effectiveness and professional success. Goal attainment, personal organization and critical thinking strategies are emphasized. Principles and practices in planning, developing, conducting, and evaluating leadership programs for agricultural groups. Improving group communication; becoming effective leaders and members of groups; improving leadership and personal development skills; assessing leadership situations, determining and administering appropriate leadership strategies, and evaluating results.
AGAS 450 - Applied Beef Cattle Genetics and Reproductive Management (3 units)
An advanced course in bovine reproductive management. Further explores the principles of reproduction management of cattle by emphasizing current cattle breeding techniques and practices, management and care of the cow and calf, management and care of the bull. Emphasis on development of technical skills.
An advanced course in equine reproductive management. Further explores the principles of reproduction management of horses by emphasizing current horse breeding techniques and practices, management and care of the broodmare and neonatal foal, and management and care of the stallion. Emphasis on development of technical skills.
Bachelor Degree General Electives
(May consist of lower or upper division courses to complete a min. of 120 units)
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