Placement is an important step along the path to academic success. It is the process of matching your educational and career goals to the appropriate courses and ensuring you are academically prepared. High school transcripts and other measures may be used in determining your placement. In accordance with AB 705, no assessment test is needed and all students have the right to access transfer-level classes! Click HERE to learn more about AB 705 and what it means for students and click HERE to review placement results at FRC.
Determine the best education program to reach your career goal.
Feather River College offers several degree and certificate options:
- Certificate programs include job specific training without general education classes. Many certificate programs do not require math or English and therefore placement is not necessary. Please check the FRC catalog for specific program requirements.
- An associate degree requires major classes along with general education classes which include transfer-level math and English.
Feather River College offers transfer-level math and English classes along with support workshop classes for many of the ENGL 101 Composition & Reading, Math 110 College Algebra and MATH 202 Elementary Statistics sections. These workshop classes can help a student succeed in their initial transfer-level course work. Academic Advisors and Counselors recommend enrollment in the workshop classes based on high school G.P.A. or guided self-placement.
Career assessments and information can be found at the Career Exploration page. Additional information regarding career employment and earnings can be found on the Academic Program pages.
Select a Math pathway based on your educational program
Feather River College offers four math pathways: MATH 202 Elementary Statistics for Social Science majors; MATH 110 College Algebra through Calculus for those interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math; MATH 114 Finite Math for Business majors; and MATH 150 Concepts & Structures of Mathematics for Educators. Once you have figured out which math pathway suits your needs, then you can work with your Advisor or Counselor to determine if a support class is recommended.
In compliance with AB 705, all students enroll directly in transfer-level ENGL 101 Composition & Reading. For students who graduated from high school with in the last 10 years, Advisors and Counselors will assess high school transcript data to make recommendations about support classes. For students who do not have a high school diploma or graduated over 10 years ago, assessment is accomplished by completing guided self-placement with an Advisor or Counselor. They will ask you questions about your comfort with material, discuss support options and may show you material from the English classes. This will help determine if a support class is recommended
Placement Information for Co-enrolled Students.
In an effort to improve student placement in math and English and therefore improve student success, AB 705 mandates the use of multiple measures rather than a placement test. Multiple measures include high school course work and overall GPA. Extensive research has shown that high school transcripts with 6 completed semesters (end of 11th grade) can be used to appropriately place students in math and English course work.
Follow up guidance from the CCC Chancellors Office states that, based on additional research, colleges may choose to use 10th grade high school GPA for placement as well.
Steps for Enrollment
High school students interested in taking classes at FRC should:
Meet with their high school counselor to determine if college classes are an appropriate option and if the classes will count towards high school graduation requirements.
If this is the first class at FRC, apply to FRC to get a student ID number (900#), request an FRC email account and complete the online orientation
Complete the High School Co-Enrollment Student Permit including Course #, CRN and Course Title
Have co-enrollment permit signed by the student, high school principal and parent
Schedule an appointment with an FRC Academic Advisor and bring/email the completed co-enrollment permit and unofficial high school transcripts
AP test scores of 3 or above can be used for college credit and placement.
Meet with an Academic Advisor or Counselor
Make an appointment with an Advisor or Counselor by clicking here or calling the Advising Office at 530-283-0202 x313. An Advisor or Counselor will review your high school transcripts, guided self-placement results or co-enrollment form and make recommendations for class placement.
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