Career Exploration Resources
Below are free tools and resources for students to utilize when it comes time to exploring careers. If you are unsure of what you want to do after your time at FRC, or if you are trying to decide on a route to take for a degree, the below resources are great for discovering your passion. Contact a FRC Advisor to review your career assessment results or if you have any questions.
Pathway U
PathwayU uses predictive science to help students converge purpose and passion to drive degree completion and career success. We are an education and career planning platform that guides students to optimal career pathways, resulting in increased persistence, GPA, graduation, and career placement.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, This is a guide to career information about hundreds of occupations

Holland Code Career Test
Discover the best jobs for you with the powerful system of Holland career codes. This test will identify your strongest career interest among six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

Personality Type. Feather River College offers a full Keirsey assessment, you can contact the Advising/Counseling at 530-283-0202 ext. 315 for more information.

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