Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Guarantee
SB 1440 - Transfer Guarantee
Senate Bill 1440 (SB 1440) establishes the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (STAR Act). SB 1440 requires a community college district to grant an associate degree for transfer (ADT) to a student in that student’s field of study once a student has met degree and transfer requirements for a particular major. Upon completion of the ADT, the student is eligible for transfer with junior standing into the California State University (CSU) system. Students are given guaranteed admission into the CSU system and are given priority consideration when applying to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college major.
The bill prohibits a community college district or campus from adding local course requirements in addition to requirements of the STAR Act, and prohibits the CSU from requiring a transferring student to repeat courses similar to those taken at the community college that counted toward their associate degree for transfer.
SB1440 mandates California Community Colleges to offer a minimum number of ADT. These degrees are called Associate of Arts-Transfer (AA-T) or Associate of Science-Transfer (AS-T) degrees. Currently, Feather River College offers the following ADTs:
Degree/Major | Degree Type |
Administration of Justice | AS-T |
Anthropology | AA-T |
Business Administration | AS-T |
Early Childhood Education | AS-T |
English | AA-T |
History | AA-T |
Kinesiology | AA-T |
Political Science | AA-T |
Sociology | AA-T |
Studio Arts | AA-T |
For more information: A Degree with a Guarantee
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