Feather River College Welcomes International Students!
International Student Application
Please read all of the information/requirements before continuing
Feather River College welcomes applications from international students. Our admission requirements conform to the regulations of the United States government for issuing F-1 visas.
FRC is a 2-year community college awarding Associate Degrees and opportunities to transfer to 4-year colleges or universities. FRC's location in the quiet mountain community of Quincy, California is an attractive asset to students who are interested in a safe, friendly small-town environment.
View the International Student Brochure for more information.
Admissions Requirements
Follow the checklist below for submitting the Admissions Application and all supporting documents. Please submit the requested information in English, adhere to date deadlines listed, and be prepared to pay a $25.00 processing fee when all documentation has been submitted. The Application with supporting documents must be submitted by May 15th for the Fall semester and October 15th for the Spring semester. Receipt of the Application does not guarantee acceptance into Feather River College.
- Submit an Admissions Application online (the link is at the bottom of the page).
- Provide a Statement of Financial Information (requires you provide a copy of bank statement or letter from your bank verifying funds of at least $17,478).
- Provide High School, University, or College transcripts (in English).
- Required TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) internet based test (IBT) or computer based test (CBT) scores, or other English proficiency test scores that meet the requirements below. If an international student completed their high school diploma in the United States, transcripts showing successful completion of high school English (C or better) may be accepted in lieu of an English proficiency test.
- Copy of Passport.
- Provide verification of Health Insurance that will cover you while in the U.S.
- $25 international application fee paid to Student Accounts 530.283.0202 ext. 292
- Verfication of Secured Housing: If you plan to live in student housing, complete the Student Housing Application and License Agreement as soon as possible as housing fills quickly.
Send supporting documents (2-6) and processing fee to FRC Admissions & Records Office, 570 Golden Eagle Avenue, Quincy, CA 95971, USA, or email them to Gretchen Baumgartner at gbaumgartner@frc.edu.
International students must declare a program of study that is approved by SEVIS, maintain full-time status by enrolling in and completing a minimum of 12 units each semester (only one online course allowed each semester), maintain at least a "C" grade point average, and complete their academic program at Feather River College within six semesters.
International students may not arrive more than thirty (30) days prior to the semester they are attending and must arrive in time to attend New Student Orientation. On arrival, students must report to the Admissions & Records Office and present their Passport and F1 Visa.
International Student Tuition
International students pay all required fees listed below. Students receive a bus pass that provides transportation in the local area. The parking fee is waived if a student does not own a vehicle.
All required fees must be paid in full by the first day of the semester of attendance.
Required Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
Nonresident Tuition Fee: | $299 per unit |
Standard Enrollment Fee: | $46 per unit |
Health Services Fee: | $18 per semester $15 per summer session |
Student Representation Fee | $2 per semester (may opt out per semester) |
Transportation Fee: | $1.50 per unit |
Parking Fee: |
$20 per semester |
Optional Fees:
Computer Printing Fee: |
$5 per 100 pages |
Transcript Fee: |
First two are free; |
Total annual cost of attendance at Feather River College is estimated at $17,478. These estimates include room, board, books, and required tuition fees.
Applicants selected for admission are responsible for their own housing. Follow this link to view on and off campus Housing Information.
Submit the International Student Admissions Application online.
Request a FRC Email and Network Account: Please fill out the “Email and Network Account Request” form. FRC email and network accounts are free for students registered for FRC courses. The account will allow you to access your FRC email, login to Canvas, and it will grant you logon access to the computers in the labs. After the form has been submitted accounts typically take two business days to be setup, the time may vary depending on demand. The same “Request” form is used to request a password reset. More information about password resets can be found here.
If you would like more information about the international student program at Feather River College, contact Gretchen Baumgartner by email, gbaumgartner@frc.edu by phone, 1-530-283-0202, extension 285, or by mail, 570 Golden Eagle Avenue, Quincy, CA 95971 USA.
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