FRC - PUSD - PCOE Trustee Area Boundary Public Forums
A series of public forums will be held to encourage participation by stakeholders who wish to provide input regarding a proposal to transition to a by-trustee area election process. Community input and participation is key at all stages of developing the trustee area boundaries.
The FRC and PUSD/PCOE boards request public input for drafting trustee area map boundaries according to the following criteria:
Required criteria for trustee areas:
- balanced populations;
- no gerrymandering of boundaries;
- boundaries shall not result in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen to vote on account of race or color
Optional criteria for trustee areas:
- compactness;
- contiguity;
- observe communities of interest such as high school attendance areas, rural or urban populations, municipalities, social interests; visible features such as topography and geography, and major highways, waterways, etc.
Both boards have voiced that the following considerations be used when developing trustee area boundaries:
- Target numbers of voters within 5% range from mean
- Do not split any contiguous small community (i.e. Graeagle, Greenville, Crescent Mills, Meadow Valley, etc.)
- Do not create an island in the larger population areas (i.e. Quincy) as one trustee area surrounded by a single other trustee area.
- When possible, follow Board of Supervisors boundaries, except do not split east Quincy if possible
- Use roads as dividing lines between areas
- Split high school boundaries only when necessary
Public Forums
Public forums will be held via Zoom on the following dates:
- Tuesday, January 11th from 6pm – 6:30pm
- Thursday, January 13th from 6pm – 6:30pm
- Tuesday, January 18th from 6pm – 6:30pm
- Tuesday, January 25th from 6pm – 6:30pm
Click here to join the Zoom for any of the above mentioned dates/times.
If you are not able to attend, and would like to provide input, please forward your comments regarding PUSD/PCOE area boundaries to Terry Oestreich at, and comments regarding FRC area boundaries to Dr. Kevin Trutna at More information can be found at Plumas County Office of Education and Plumas Unified School District.
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