Important Documents for Accreditation
Shared Governance Team Member Documents from Institutional Day
Accreditation Reference Handbook (published 2017)
This handbook contains the Eligibility Requirements for initial accreditation and reaffirmation of accreditation, the ACCJC Standards, and current policies of the Commission.
Guide to Evaluating and Improving Institutions (published 2015)
This manual contains suggestions for how an institution should organize for self study as well as forms that must be submitted as part of the self-study report. It is intended for use by institutions as they prepare for self-study and the self-study report.
Manual for Institutional Self-Evaluation (published 2015)
This manual contains suggestions for how an institution should organize for self study as well as forms that must be submitted as part of the self-study report. It is intended for use by institutions as they prepare for self-study and the self-study report.
Guide to Evaluating Distance Education and Correspondence Education (published 2013)
This ACCJC/WASC publication is to be used with the Guide to Evaluating Institutions listed and described above. There are many changes since the previous edition.
Substantive Change Manual (published 2015)
This manual provides community colleges with the underlying principles for substantive change.
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