Friday, May 9 from 9:30am - 1:00pm
- Schedule at a Glance -
9:30am - Students from high schools begin arriving at FRC gymnasium (light snacks provided)
9:45am - Welcome and details of the day in gym (sessions and details provided)
10:00am - Students breakout for their first sessions (locations announced in welcome speech)
10:45am - Session switch, all students move from their current session to the next
11:00am - Second session begins for students (locations announced in welcome speech)
11:45am - Session switch, all students move from their current session to the next
12:00pm - Third session begins for students (locations announced in welcome speech)
12:45pm - Lunch time, lunch will be provided for eating on campus or to-go, pick up FRC swag!
2025 SESSION ROTATIONS (tentative)
Session #1 (10am):
- Loyalton & Chester HS in Gym session
- QHS to tour (start at LRC, ends back at Gym)
- PHS/All PCS to Hands-on demos (afterwards, walk to LRC for tour)
Session #2 (11am):
- QHS @ Gym session
- PHS/All PCS to tour (ends back at Gym)
- Loyalton & Chester HS to Hands-on demos (afterwards, walk to LRC for tour)
Session #3 (12pm):
- PHS/All PCS @ Gym session (head to Perch after for lunch)
- Loyalton & Chester HS to tour (ends at Perch)
- QHS to Hands-on demos (head to Perch after for lunch)
Feather River College is happy to introduce Plumas & Sierra County high school freshman to the FRC collegiate experience in hopes of inspiring them to attend college after high school, and hopefully, making FRC their first choice!
PUSD high school freshman students will arrive on campus and meet in the gym for a brief introduction to the day’s events and schedule. Students will then break off according to their designated cohorts to begin attending different sessions across campus. FRC will be offering 3 different sessions for students to attend during their time here. One session in the gym that focuses on our academic and student resources, and will feature resource tables that allow students to interact with these different offerings in a more personal manner. One session will be a campus tour, and one session will be a hands-on academic experience through one of our CTE hands-on programs. All other academics offerings will be represented in the gym session.
Students will then be fed a lunch that they can either eat on campus or take home with them. We will also be providing students with a healthy breakfast snack upon arrival!
Our "College 101" session is designed to help students understand the benefits of attending Feather River College during their educational journeys after high school. This session will feature a few different components designed for our local high school students:
- We will have our VP of Student Services on hand to discuss why attending college is so important in this day in age.
- Our Academic Advisors will be there to discuss the Plumas Pipeline and how to start on college courses early.
- Financial Aid staff will be there to talk about how college can be FREE for local students, plus all the awesome financial aid options available.
- We will finish with a special Q&A session featuring current FRC students who will be answering questions that our local high school freshman have in regards to attending college.
The goal of this session is to answer as many questions as we can for our local high school students and help them realize that college is much more affordable and accessible than ever!
Each academic demo session will be 45 minutes in length. The first 15 minutes will be an explanation of the program, requirements, benefits, and upcoming demonstration. The next 30 minutes will be the actual academic hands-on demo. This is a great opportunity for prospective students to experience the true hands-on learning environment that FRC provides!
Hands-on Academic Demo Programs
- Applied Fire Management: How students can learn, burn, and earn!
- Nursing: How to Save a Life - a Hands-only CPR Demonstration!
- Studio Arts: Drawing what you feel, without looking!
- Environmental Studies: Fish Hatchery Feeding Frenzy!
- Agriculture: Fun on the FRC Farm - Roping Techniques!
Students will be treated to a tour of the Feather River College campus! This includes stops at the athletics fields, dorm rooms, classrooms, and more! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the FRC campus and why students prefer attending FRC before leaving Plumas County after high school.
Tour Schedule (tentative)
- Start at Learning Resource Center & Library >
- Dorm Rooms >
- Science Classrooms >
- Outdoor Recreation & Leadership >
- Fish Hatchery >
- Agriculture Facilities >
- Athletics Fields >
- Gymnasium
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