Kris Miravalle, President
“Besides supporting the college itself, the Foundation is an excellent conduit to bridge the students to the community. So many students, like myself, are drawn to Quincy to attend FRC and then stay and become valuable to our local economy. Our Community Host program and the Quincy Star Follies are two of our programs that really connect the FRC students with the community. That is a very rewarding outcome of our efforts, as the student’s vibrancy and diversity are such a welcome addition to our community.”
Kris Miravalle, FRC Foundation President
Who We Are
At the Feather River College Foundation, we are a dedicated team of volunteers, each harnessing our unique areas of expertise to uplift both the college and our surrounding community. Our collective commitment lies at the heart of our mission. Without the invaluable contributions from each member of our Foundation and the support of our generous community, none of our endeavors would come to fruition. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributes to our success year after year, as your involvement is the driving force behind our shared accomplishments. Together, we create a brighter future for our students and the community we hold dear.
Board of Directors
Russell Reid, Vice President

Kris Miravalle, President

Sara Frigo, Executive Director

J.P. Harrison, Scholarship Committee Chair

Dean Oertle, Marketing Committee

John Sheehan, Business Management Committee

Monica Potter, Community Host Program Coordinator

Dr. Lisa Kelly, Fundraising Committee

Dr. Kevin Trutna, President, Feather River College

Marie Anderson, Finance Committee

Nancy Gambell, Events Committee

Aaron Lohn, Finance Committee

Jackie Blanton, Community Host Program

Bill Elliot, Business Management Committee

Chris Shea, Spending Committee

Janis Holt, Scholarship Committee

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