FRC Foundation
Planned Giving

Thank you for considering a charitable distribution to the Feather River College Foundation. Here's how it works:
You may distribute an amount, not to exceed $100,000 in a calendar year, to one or more public charities, so long as it is completed by December 31 of the year in which you intend to make the charitable distribution. The amount of the distribution will be reduced by any deductible contributions made to an IRA on or after you reach 70 ½. Your IRA administrator must make the distribution directly to the charity, or you may write a check payable to the charity from your IRA checkbook (special rules apply when a check is written from an IRA checkbook, please contact IRA administrator for more information). If you make a gift to the Foundation from your IRA, please include written instructions on how you would like to designate your gift. Email us at foundation@frc.edu or click on the contact below for more Foundation info.
The views and opinions expressed by the FRC Foundation do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the web host Feather River College. Events, activities and/or other FRC Foundation related conduct illustrated or advertised by the FRC Foundation shall not be construed as approved or sanctioned by Feather River College.
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